Demand World Leaders #ActWithAfghanWomen!
Since the fall of Kabul nearly one year ago, Afghan women have experienced devastating rollbacks of their human rights. Join our sisters in demanding:
In addition to immediate aid, longer-term funding to Afghan women-led initiatives that provide jobs and vocational training for Afghan women to re-enter the workforce.
Education for ALL Afghan women and girls.
Afghans be allowed to access their personal, private funds as an urgent priority.
Women for Women International is bringing these demands to governments and policymakers ahead of the United Nations General Assembly September. Add your name to help make sure Afghan women’s voices are heard.
Since 1993, Women for Women International has helped more than 500,000 marginalized women in countries afflicted by war and conflict. We serve women in 8 countries offering support, tools, and access to life-changing skills to move from crisis and poverty to stability and economic self-sufficiency. We have been working in Afghanistan for 20 years and know the power of investing in, and following the lead, of Afghan women.